2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Nano Gold Thread (PDO) / Duplex Thread (PGA+PDO)

Twinkle Nano Gold under Your Skin 
Present a new revolutionary method of strand face lift and body.
The technology is based on the use of innovative monofilament and polyfilament microthreads of polydioxanone (PDO).
Rainbow Thread
▶ Prevention of wrinkles and rejuvenation through the tension of Rainbow Thread
▶ A suture thread is inserted into the site to be operated to generate an artificial wound and a curing effect is induced for the improvement and treatment of the skin.
Rainbow Thread Indications
Worry Lines, Periorbital Lines, Glabellar Lines, Tear Through, Nasolabial Folds,
Perioral Lines, Chin Lines, Chin Crease
Rainbow Thread  Ranges
Rainbow Duplex Thread (PGA+PDO /no gold coating)

* When the thread connected to the needle is inserted into the dermal layer,
it is regarded as FB and generates aseptic inflammation reaction.
This leads to the formation of collagens and accelerates bloodstream which results
in general improvement of skin.
Furthermore, lifting effect occurs due to the tension of the thread itself.

① Absorption starts from about one month after the procedure.
② The PGA and PDO are fully decomposed in about three and six months, respectively,
leaving collagen capsule and bundle only.

•  A new-concept tightening procedure whereby an engrafting thread to promote
the engraftment of cells at the operated site
•  Use of engrafting thread made of PDO which is used for heart surgery and
 is safe for human body
•  The twisted thread is inserted through a needle into the dermis or
subcutaneous fat layer of the skin
 → High tightening effect and patient satisfaction due to
the engrafting thread with multiple strands
Rainbow Gold-Thread (PDO+Gold nano coating)
Cating with 99.9% Pure Gold
For the effects of gold, the action of its ions accelerates the blood circulation, which prevents skin aging and removes spots.
The acceleration of hormone secretion by gold activates the skin, thereby preventing wrinkles and freckles.
The detoxification effect of gold cures wounds, prevents skin inflammations, removes pimples, and reinforces immunity.
Furthermore, the current generated by gold, which is very similar to the faint current in human body, activates the metabolism of the cells and regenerates the skin functions.
The gold thread which is covered by 99.99% pure gold offers safety because it uses the base material PDO (polydioxanone) filament which is being used in the pharmaceutical threads of the needle-embedding therapy. This thread consists of PDO filaments coated with nano-particle gold (Au, purity 99.99%) in a fixed thickness.


**The effects last longer than general PDO products because the PDO melting point is delayed.
Because the inserted pure gold is made of nano-sized particles, they are slowly absorbed in the body, improves ion effects and blood stream. The pure gold absorbed in the body is discharged through perspiration and urine.
** Non-Primer Gold Coat’G